Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
19: Politics as a Spiritual Discipline? Interview with Chris Butler
Are there practical ways for Christians to innoculate themselves against the toxicity of today's politics? Can Christians be politically active--whether as Republicans or Democracts--without compromising their higher allegience to God?
Chris Butler, lead pastor of Chicago Embassy Church Network and cofounder of the AND Campaign, brings his years of experience in community organizing and politics--including a recent run for a seat in Congress--to this conversation about faithful civic engagement.
Follow Chris Butler:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pastorchrisbutler
AND Campaign website: https://andcampaign.org/about/
Book: Compassion (&) Conviction: The AND Campaign's Guide to Faithful Civic Engagement https://www.amazon.com/Compassion-Conviction-Campaigns-Faithful-Engagement/dp/083084810X